Vision Problems Can Be Misdiagnosed as ADHD
Dr. Karen Chao O.D. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state on their website that to determine when a child has ADHD: “One step of the process involves having a medical exam, including hearing and vision tests, to rule out other problems with...
“I Have The Ability to Teach Myself”
By Carolyn Forte As a sophomore at college, my daughter was telling me about her classes and the struggles of some of her fellow students. She found herself in the position of informal “advisor/tutor” to a number of her classmates who had trouble figuring out what...
Beginning Homeschooling The Real First Steps
Many, if not most, new homeschooling parents look immediately for a curriculum. Although they are confused by the vast array of choices and have scant knowledge to bring to bear in making the selection, they feel that they must have a curriculum immediately. Sadly, this is probably the worst mistake they could make.