Apologetics: Creation Science

Taught by Martin & Carolyn Forte


3:00 – 4:00

COST:  $100.00 per family per semester

  • Yes, the cost is per family, not student.  We feel this would be a great family style class for high school and older.  Parents and siblings are encouraged to attend at no additional cost.

AGE TARGET:  High School and higher.

Course description:

This course will introduce the science topics most relevant to the study of Biblical Creationism.  There will be a video each week from Educate for Life with Kevin Conover followed by a discussion and relevant activities.

Topics covered include:

  •             Fossil record vs. evolution
  •             Evidence for a world-wide flood
  •             Did man walk with dinosaurs?
  •             Age of the earth
  •             Genetic mutations and Intelligent Design
  •             Irreducible complexity  and thermodynamics
  •             The Big Bang and the anthropic principle
  •             Scientific hoaxes
  •             Evolutionary ethics
  •             Answering atheism

Wolf Connection


Taught by:

Cindra Barnes


12:00 – 1:00

Start Date                 September 11, 2024

Class Duration         Two 12-week sessions (class starts OVER in second semester 1/8)

Age                             Middle School/High School   13 – 18

Cost                            $200.00


  • Text only 909-993-2203
  • Email: schoolhouseofthegroves.com
  • EIE Academy in person


Choose between either semester.

The students will be using an ‘in class’ virtual program developed by the Wolf Connection Sanctuary & Retreat Center for the purpose of connecting youth to the world around them. Through a direct relationship with rescued wolves, the center hopes to empower the next generation to become authentic leaders and stewards of the earth. With the help of the animals, students will connect with nature and learn about conservation work. They will learn to be of service by responsibly caring for another being and work towards becoming the kind of person that they want to be through a kind of WOLF THERAPY.

There is class instruction on wolves and the use of a virtual video featuring the different wolves housed at the ranch. Their stories are followed by 2 personal reflections, a ‘Wolf Paws’ (pause), a ‘Howl to Action’ (call) and a wolf card. By using reflection, discussion, and activities the class will focus first on the wolf and then relate its story to personal daily situations. The animals will help them with social awareness and to focus on their impulses, feelings, and emotions in a constructive way.

The completion of the class will be rewarded with a certificate of completion and an interactive field trip visit to the actual wolf ranch after each semester.


Taught by

Jeff Krieger


10:30 – 12:30


1:30 – 3:30

COST:  $25.00 per class plus $10.00 material fee.

AGE TARGET:  12 and up.  

One of the great benefits of homeschooling is to explore and experience different types of classes and activities.  Now, with our woodworking class, you can experience the wonders of converting raw wood into some fantastics items.  Start out with making simple toys and depending on your dedication create some awesome wooden projects.  In fact we have one family that actually took the information they learned in this class and created their own businesses.  This class is taught by a professional high end cabinet and furniture maker in his shop.  The students will work with real woodworking equiptment under the supervision of a craftsman.  

CONTACT:  Jeff Krieger   (626) 695-5688

Lego Builders

Taught by Malia Poggio


1:00 – 2:30

Grades: 1st-5th


Class Description: In this class students will learn engineering and public speaking skills while expanding their creativity. Each week students will be given a build challenge and then they will present their creations to the class. Each week students will learn a new public speaking skill, such as eye contact, speaking clearly, standing up straight, etc. They will also learn listening skills as each of their classmates present their creations. In addition, students will also learn some fun Lego facts along the way.



  • Call or Text Malia (323) 513-6816
  • Email maliapoggio10@gmail.com


Taught by:

Jeff Schwartz


10:00 – 11:00

Starts September 11, 2024

Cost:          $171.00  for each 11-week session per  student.  

Recommended   ages:   5  to    13   or   grades   K  to   8.

Open  to  beginners  and  advanced   students

Students  will learn to play the game of Chess and learn winning strategies.  They will become prepared for tournament  play which is organized  by  Coach  Jeff.  Tournament  play  is not required but is an added bonus.

Chess  is  a  wonderful  game that helps children develop mental discipline, analytical  skills, strategic  thinking, and  do  better academically.  Studies  have shown that   students   studying   Chess    demonstrated    a  marked   development   of  their  verbal    and math  aptitudes.  This  class  is  a great way for kids to have fun, improve  in  Chess, and  make  new  friends.

Added  bonus:   As  Coach  Jeff’s    program    is  in  twenty-one    elementary   schools   in   the  San  Gabriel   Valley,  Coach  Jeff organizes    three   tournaments   per  semester.

About  Coach  Jeff:   Jeff  Schwartz  has  played   tournament  chess    from  the  time  he  was  a  freshman   in  college.   Coach  Jeff  is a  Life  Member    of  the  United  States   Chess  Federation,  and  an  active  member  of  the  Arcadia  Chess   Club. Coach  Jeff  has taught  Chess   since   2007,   helping  hundreds   of   students  mature  in  the  world  of  Chess,  even  while  he   uses  an individualized  approach   for  each  student.

Contact:    chesscoachjeff@live.com or (626) 545-8457