Taught by
Malia Poggio

2:00 – 3:00
After Elementary Science
Hey kids, come join this awesome game oriented class to teach the following concepts:
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division
Not only will you have fun, meet new kids but learn easily the above functions.
Parents: Do you realize that it takes up to 400 repetitions to create a new synapse in the brain
through rote memory, but it only takes between 15 – 30 repetitions if using games and activities.
This class follows the Science2U Elementary class on Mondays.
Call or Text Malia (323) 513-6816
Taught by:
Michele Small
GRADES: 3 -6
- $200/ semester private pay.
- Plus $20.00 Registration Fee
Did you know that math can be fun? With play, movement and teambuilding, your student can learn to love math! Supplemental to your curriculum at home, no matter what math program you use, this class will help your thriving or struggling student. Introducing new concepts in a non-threatening fun environment, each week your student will learn more about topics which include: multiplication, division, factoring, fractions, decimals and geometry in a gentle way that’s not frustrating. Using games and play to anchor in concepts you review at home, your student can learn to love math with this supplemental class.
This class has no assigned curriculum but is supplemental to whatever curriculum you are using. We will create a set of multiplication cards that are to be used at home for reinforcement.
Michele loves seeing the light bulb moment when a student “gets it” and loves removing math fear by bringing fun into math learning. Using various methods from whiteboards, to objects, to songs, she breaks down concepts into small manageable pieces. She found her passion for math as a teenager, but more importantly in high school she found her passion for Jesus and has been grateful to follow him for many years. Graduating from Texas A&M University with a degree in Civil Engineering, she worked for 6 years in her field to earn her Professional Engineering License before she chose to become a stay-at-home mom.
Married to her best friend Scott for 30+ years, she home schooled her 3 children from kindergarten to graduation. Her children Justin, Nathan and Catherine have completed college degrees in Mathematics, Civil Engineering and Nursing. And now Michele and her husband are enjoying life as grandparents!
While raising her kids, Michele taught many different subjects in several homeschooling groups over the years, but has taught math exclusively since 2014 and would love to help your child.
Algebra I
Taught by
Alan Ladner,M.A.
2:00 – 3:30
September 9
- $350.00 per semester-Private Pay
- $425.00 persemester-Charter students
- (Includes registration and all materials)
This class will cover the following topics:
- This class will cover the following topics:
- 1:Operations with signed numbers
- 2:Solving linear equations and in equalities
- 3:Graphing linear equations
- 4:Relations and functions
Call or text 626-840-6838
Private tutoring also available–pricing available on request.
Biography: Making MATH make SENSE for over 45 years. I have taught high school math in both Christian and public schools and as an adjunct professor for over ten years at Vanguard University. With a CA Single-Subject Credential in Mathematics, I specialize in Algebra I and II, Geometry, Pre-Calculus, Trigonometry and how they apply to real life.
Algebra II
Taught by
Alan Ladner,M.A.
September 9
- $350.00 per semester-PrivatePay
- $425.00 persemester-Charter students
- (Includes registration and all materials)
This class will cover the following topics:
- 1. Quadraticequations and their graphs
- 2. Solving systems of equations
- 3. Operations with polynomial functions
- 4.Operations with radical functions
Call or text 626-840-6838
Private tutoring also available–pricing available on request.
Biography: Making MATH make SENSE for over 45 years. I have taught high school math in both Christian and public schools and as an adjunct professor for over ten years at Vanguard University. With a CASingle-Subject Credential in Mathematics, I specialize in Algebra I and II, Geometry, Pre-Calculus, Trigonometry and how they apply to real life.
Taught by
Alan Ladner,M.A.
12:00 – 1:30
September 9
- $350.00 per semester-PrivatePay
- $425.00 persemester-Charter students
- (Includes registration and all materials)
This class will cover the following topics:
- This class will cover the following topics:
- Writing two-column proofs using definitions, postulates and theorems
- 2: Solving word problems
- 3: Construction with a compass and straight-edge
- 4 :Applying parallel lines to proofs and word problems
Call or text 626-840-6838
Private tutoring also available–pricing available on request.
Biography: Making MATH make SENSE for over 45 years. I have taught high school math in both Christian and public schools and as an adjunct professor for over ten years at Vanguard University. With a CASingle-Subject Credential in Mathematics, I specialize in Algebra I and II, Geometry, Pre-Calculus, Trigonometry and how they apply to real life.