June 2025 Field Trips
To REGISTER or SIGN UP for a FIELD TRIP please use one of the following options:
- Go to the EIE Resource Center
- Call our the EIE Resource Center at (626) 821-0025
- Go to our weekly PARK DAY
Dead Sea Scrolls
Ronald Reagan Presidential Library

June 18, 2025
10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (Self-guided Tour)

- $14.00 per Student (ages 3 and up) –
- $30.00 per Adult
- 40 Presidential Drive
- Simi Valley, CA 93065
Registration Deadline: Thursday, June 12 or until full
In 1947 a Bedouin shepherd tossing rocks into a cave accidentally discovered the first of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Over the next few years, thousands of manuscript fragments, dating back up to 2000 years, were found in 11 caves near the site of the ancient city of Qumran. These scrolls include the oldest known copies of the Hebrew Bible. They give us amazing spiritual and cultural insights into the Second Temple period (516 B.C. – 70 A.D.).
The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library presents this world-class exhibition, featuring 8 authentic Dead Sea Scrolls and over 200 artifacts from the Second Temple period.
Important Note to Parents: No bags or purses larger than a wallet (or fanny pack) are allowed in the exhibit. You may bring a lunch to eat after the tour but leave it in the car.
For questions: eiefieldtrips@gmail.com
To sign up:
- Phone EIE during business hours at 626-821-0025
- Park Day
- Visit EIE Resource Center