Excellence In Education Bookstore
Your source for quality new and used books and games!
Excellence In Education is excited to offer our homeschool customers a very large
selection of new and used books and games. We are the largest bookstore dedicated
to the homeschool community in the West Coast.
We invite you to take the time to visit our facility where you will be able to actually see the product before you buy it. Bring the kids so you will be able to determine if the book or game is a good solution for your family. We have demo games for almost every game we sell allowing you to try the game before purchasing. For budget minded individuals we have a huge selection of used and free items for your consideration. Our in stock inventory and variety of products is ten times more than our on-line catalog.
Your children are always welcome at our resource center. In fact, we even have a play room for their pleasure while you shop.
We also accept purchase orders from most charter schools.
For your convenience you can also view and purchase many of our products on our on-line catalog.