About Us

Over the last 25 years Excellence In Education has evolved from a simple one bedroom office to what might be considered the largest single location offering every conceivable service to the homeschool community. The following will provide a nice review of our offerings.
Excellence In Education Resource Center is the largest homeschool book store and resource center in the state of California offering an extensive array of products and services.
EIE (Excellence In Education) offers homeschool books from a wide variety of publishers, both secular and faith based. Our publisher list includes, but not limited to, Bob Jones University, Master Books, Life with Fred, Usborne, Beautiful Feet, Greenleaf, “Uncle Eric” series and a multitude more of quality publishers and authors. Our history section is a goldmine of fantastic books including a substantial list of historical fiction books.
Excellence In Education On Line Home School Supply Catalog offers a wide variety of homeschool books and educational games that are not found on other sites. We provide a great selection of discounted homeschool books and educational board and card games as well as our Game Curriculum. For one of the best on line catalog experiences check out our online homeschool supply catalog. It is important to understand that our brick and mortar bookstore has a much larger offering than our on line catalog. The catalog probable represents about 15% of our total offering.
The Game Curriculum reflects our love for educational games and how they can be used as a real curriculum for younger children or as a complement to your normal curriculum. Categorized by grade and subject you will be able to find the appropriate grade level educational board or card game for all core subjects. Take some time to explore this wonderful tool and make some great decisions on the appropriate educational board game to make your homeschool endeavor more successful and fun.
Learning Style Assessment
We are excited to be able to offer you the online “A Self-Portrait™ Learning Style Profile” which has been used by tens of thousands of students, parents, teachers, and adults seeking to enhance the way they learn, work, teach and / or communicate.
The A Self-Portrait™ Profile assesses several aspects of learning style, quickly and simply, in language that is easily understood by everyone.
These aspects are: • Disposition • Modality • Environment • Interests • Talents
• Discover how you learn best.• Find out what to do to help you memorize, study, take tests, get your homework done, and much more!
• Improve communication with family members.
• Find out how each of your children learns best.
• Learn how to more effectively help with homework.
• Get information to share with teachers when discussing learning issues.
• Gain the confidence to let go of labels such as dyslexic, ADD, ADHD, learning disabled,slow, lazy, and “just average!
We offer two services in relationship to the Self-Portrait™ Profile:
•Take the online assessment and study the results provided.
•Take the online assessment and set up an appointment with us and we will review the results with you. You can call us at (626) 821-0025 to set an appointment or ask questions about the program
If you are in the Southern California area we encourage you to visit our book store and resource center. We are freeway close near the 605, 10 and 210 Freeways.
Bringing the Joy of Learning To Your Homeschool!
Over 25 years’ experience in homeschooling